Our Practice

At In His Hands Family Chiropractic, we are a family-focused wellness practice in Lansing, MI. We feel that there is nothing more important than caring for Lansing's expectant mothers, infants, children and families with safe and gentle Chiropractic care.


Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care in Lansing, MI

We understand that the health of a pregnant woman is vitally important because the care we offer affects both mom and child. Proper nervous system and spinal function is crucial to the development of your baby and essential to the well-being and comfort of mom. The effects of chiropractic care during pregnancy are far-reaching.

By ensuring that the pelvis and spine are in proper alignment and motion, chiropractic care helps the developing baby to have plenty of room to grow within the womb. By maintaining this proper alignment and motion throughout pregnancy, chiropractic care can also improve the ability of the expecting mother to have a safe and natural birth process.

The modern birth process is often one of the most traumatic events that a person will endure in their life. Unfortunately today, many health care providers choose to look at pregnancy as a “medical condition” rather than the incredibly safe and natural process that it is. A woman’s body is designed perfectly for the birth process, and difficulties typically only arise if mom is functioning at less than 100%.

Our team is here to help you enjoy one of the most exciting times in your life. Through gentle care, we will help you work towards your goal of a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Dr. Rachel Holmberg has helped many mothers on their quest for a healthy, natural pregnancy and birth!


Starting Care Before Pregnancy

Whether or not to see a chiropractor during pregnancy is one of the most important decisions an expectant mother will make. Dr. Holmberg works closely with women prior to pregnancy to ensure their immune and nervous system are functioning optimally for a healthy pregnancy. Nutrition plays a big part of prenatal health and healthy bodies are more likely to become pregnant!

If you’re planning to grow your family, we recommend beginning care four to twelve months prior to conception to ensure your optimal health.


Care During Pregnancy

In addition to a safer, more natural birth,Chiropractic care can help with the following during pregnancy

Back Pain. The position of your growing baby will cause your center of gravity to shift and your spine will naturally alter itself to accommodate this change. As a result, you may experience low back and pelvic pain. 84% of pregnant women that received chiropractic care received relief from low back pain.

Bone Health and Alignment. The increase in hormones during pregnancy can also cause muscles, ligaments, cartilage and even bones to “soften” and become more pliable. Pelvic bones may even become displaced or fixated. Since your hips will need to spread to accommodate the delivery of your baby, fixated pelvic bones can lead to complications during delivery.

Nervous System Health. It’s especially important during pregnancy for nerve impulses to flow from your brain throughout your body. A slightly out-of-place vertebra can create nerve irritation, which can interfere with your body’s nervous system. Chiropractic care can restore the function of your nervous system.

General Health and Comfort. Chiropractic care helps improve your overall wellness, increase your comfort during your pregnancy and help you have a safe, natural delivery. Research also shows that postpartum pain was relieved in 75% of moms that received regular chiropractic care.

Reduced Labor Time. Women under chiropractic care had nearly a 25% reduction in the average labor time verses the “generally accepted average labor time” (With women who had given birth in the past, that number rose to 33%).


Lansing, MI- "The Webster Technique"- Specialty Care For a Natural Birth

Certified in the Webster Technique, Dr. Holmberg uses this specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment to help create balance in the mother’s pelvis.  This will typically help the baby to get into a birth ready position!


A Healthy Start to Life | Infant Chiropractic Care in Lansing, MI

A healthy start for infants. We feel it’s imperative for all children to be checked by a chiropractor throughout their childhood. Chiropractic care early on can ensure your child’s nervous and immune systems are developing optimally.

As your child continues to grow, we want to make sure they can develop properly. Birth trauma, improperly carrying your baby and excessive time in car seats can cause spinal misalignments. These problems often present themselves as common newborn health complaints such as colic, reflux, earaches, and excessive crying and problems breastfeeding.


Kids Chiropractic Care in Lansing

Due to the unfortunate problems caused by increased C-section rates, poor infant health and higher mortality rates, Dr. Holmberg feels that it is extremely important to have your child checked for subluxations as soon as possible after birth. Subluxation is a misalignment or lack of motion within the spine that results in stress and ill health in the body. The birth process is a very common cause of subluxation, especially a birth process that resulted in many interventions. Chiropractors are the only doctors trained to detect and remove these subluxations, and doing so will help to ensure that ill health does not follow for your newborn.

As children continue to grow their spines undergo many forms of trauma as they learn to walk and crawl, play, and become involved in sports. Many of these things may again result in subluxations which can be easily detected and removed by a Chiropractor!